New service: Sales Coaching

Talent Gallery expands its services and now offers coaching for sales people and management. The concept is English and based upon group sessions as well as individual support. The concept is founded on the same methods used in elite sports, performance management and personal development.


Many successful leaders, teams and top athletes use NLP techniques actively effective to achieve their goals. NLP is a broad field and is used today in many fields such as therapy, entertainment, in business, organizational, sports, etc.
Talent Gallery now offers a unique and intensive program where we’ve picked out key NLP techniques and tools adapted to business. All “fluff” is removed and it is straightforward, efficient and focused – just what is Tips and ideas for job are included. NLP techniques are integrated throughout the workshop, and there are two intensive and engaging days with a lot of video, exercises, interaction – and a lot of energy. A real boost both for head, heart and soul.
Firestarter NLP 4 Business is practical tools and strategies that change of behavior and thus lead to positive results.
The program is built around four pillars:

  • Trust,
  • Effective communication
  • Master Yourself
  • Optimal results.

Talent Gallery CoachingThe participants in Talent Gallery Coaching will upon completion of a theoretical and practical test be certified to Firestarter NLP for Business Practitioner, enabling the participants to run similar training in-house.
The workshop is optimal for business teams who want a change of pace, has a hairy goals they want to reach, or want to optimize their resources.
Firestarter NLP 4 Business is developed by one of our UK based partners S + Coach-it and was first held in 2009. At present, about 2,000 people conducted the workshop. The first Nordic was held in January 2013 in Oslo under the management  of our new partner, Victoria Aase and her colleague in the company Nagare.

NLP: (Neuro Linguistic Programming) are effective techniques and methods that change of thought and action patterns, and that quickly gives change and desired results. NLP has been used worldwide in elite sports, performance management and personal development for over 30 years.

Coach Trak (CT):

Coach Trak is part of implementation tools and our both used with other programs or separately by specific needs (for example, a launch, etc.). All participants receive their personal Coach who follow them throughout the period. Coaching period runs over 20 days and consists of a short phone call every weekday, 7 minutes Monday – Thursday, and 16 min Friday. It set 3 goals each day that are weighted based on importance towards established goals and every day, the participant followed up the implementation of the three objectives. Coach Trak is online based and each user can access a resource area specially designed to support each of the important implementation phase.
Having fully focus on the 3 main tasks, get help to use and practice new knowledge and techniques, guidance and coaching every day, gives amazing results. Entrant feel seen, motivated, supported and there is no danger that the new knowledge only ports in a binder in the bookcase.
Coach Trak can be used in all phases and with different intentions both as personal coaching and team. Some areas may be; implementation of a new mindset and techniques from the workshop, clearly defined objectives to be achieved, for example, a sales promotion or change of behavior of turning a team.
Coach Trak developed by Glen McCoy in cooperation with S + Coach-it in the UK. Success is built on 20 years of experience in telephone coaching and learning technology.
If you want additional information – contact our coach and partner – Victoria Aase – phone 9263 8126 or CEO Trond Larsen, telephone 9130 2220.